
Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Top Selling Carnival Foods

Top Selling Carnival Foods

Carnivals are a great place to enjoy a day away from home, as they offer fun rides, games and food. Although the rides and shows may be fun to participate in, carnival-goers often look forward to the different foods that are offered. These foods can bring in big crowds and usually present a variety of flavors that please taste buds. Visitors can look forward to deep-fried foods, sweets and treats that add to the memorable experience the carnival has to offer. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Funnel Cakes

    Funnel cakes are a top-selling carnival food, popular for the fried dough and sweet toppings. Funnel cakes are made of dough that is drizzled through a funnel into hot cooking oil in a circular motion and fried crisp. The fried dough is usually topped with whipped cream, fruits, powdered sugar or jam. Funnel cakes can be made to any size, and often take up a whole plate.

Deep-Fried Sweets and Vegetables

    Deep-fried carnival foods are a visitor favorite. At many carnivals, sweet snack foods such as chocolate cookies, Twinkies and chocolate bars are dipped in batter and deep fried in oil. Carnivals create new deep-fried sweet treats each year for the public to enjoy. Visitors who want to cut back some the fat and sugar in such snacks can enjoy deep-fried zucchini or broccoli. Those who are interested in trying just about anything can enjoy deep-fried butter bites for a true carnival experience.

Cotton Candy

    Cotton candy can be found at any local or county carnival, including the United States and Europe. This fluffy treat is made of sugar and food coloring that is spun inside a heated bowl. The heat on the rim of the bowl helps melt the sugar, which is then mixed with air, creating wispy strands of sugar. Cotton candy can be spun onto a stick or paper cone to make it easier to handle. Once cotton candy has made contact with any form of moisture it disintegrates, leaving behind melted sugar.

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